
For descriptions of the many Al-Anon publications available to you (daily readers, monthly magazine, pamphlets, books of various topics, and so on), go to the WSO online store.

To acquire an item of Al-Anon literature, do any of the following, whatever works best for you:

The following list identifies some (actually, only a fraction) of the literature resources that Al-Anon offers you:

Detachment (PDF): What does it mean to detach with love?
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual
Al-Anon’s Twelve Steps: the core of the Al-Anon program and practice
Al-Anon’s Twelve Traditions: helping groups sustain their unity and fellowship
Al-Anon’s Twelve Concepts of Service: guidance for service in the Al-Anon fellowship.
Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2019: members’ sharing their experience, strength, and hope and explanations of how the program works
World Service Conference Summary 2022: informing members of the activities, discussions, and outcome of the most recent Al-Anon World Service Conference

Area and World-Service Organizations

Northern California World Service Area (NCWSA): San Francisco Al-Anon District 12 is part of the NCWSA. This link directs you to events in Northern California, area service positions, forms, tips for how to do public outreach, and much more!
Al-Anon World Service Organization (WSO): Al-Anon World Service Office