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Telephone Number

1-415-834-9940 Information line

Email Addresses

District Alateen Coordinator
For questions about becoming an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS), AMIAS training, Alateen meetings, and Alateen outreach and events

District Office Worker
For questions about literature orders and for assistance with ordering literature

District Representative
For changes in group registration and for information about the District Business Meeting, service opportunities beyond the group level, and starting a meeting in San Francisco

District Secretary
For submitting agenda items for District Meetings and for requesting meeting minutes from past District Meetings

District Treasurer
For questions about donations, 7th tradition distributions, and literature order payments

Web Coordinator
For updating the District 12 meeting list; submitting information for the Group Announcements, Service Opportunities, and District Events pages; and commenting on the website

Mailing Address

Al-Anon/Alateen District 12 Office
The Flood Building
870 Market Street, Suite 1169
San Francisco, CA 94102