One of the Al-Anon tools of recovery is service. At the group level, you can serve by showing up, setting up, welcoming newcomers, facilitating the meeting, and handling literature. At the district level, you can be a group representative, service coordinator, or committee member. Service is what keeps the Al-Anon program going!

The following list identifies the service opportunities that are currently available for District 12, San Francisco. Your service is needed! To ask questions or to volunteer, email the district office or attend a District 12 Business Meeting.

For service guidelines and descriptions of service positions, see the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual 2022-2025 and Al-Anon’s Twelve Concepts of Service.


The District Alateen Process Person (DAPP) ensures that all Al-Anon and Alateen processes are known and followed; for example, registering Alateen groups and communicating and monitoring procedures for parental permission. Requirements include previous service as an AMIAS.

Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS) provide guidance at Alateen meetings. Requirements include a minimum of two consecutive years of Al-Anon membership and a state-sponsored background check.


The coordinator chairs the committee that is responsible for planning and delivering the district’s yearly conference, usually a one-day event held in the fall.


The coordinator chairs the committee that focuses on sharing the Al-Anon message with people who are not members of Al-Anon (such as with medical and social-service professionals, with community groups, and with individuals). The coordinator is free to determine what to do and how, when, and where to do it.


The outreach committee members assist the Outreach Coordinator in developing and implementing outreach activities.

Speaker Meeting Coordinator

The coordinator leads the committee that plans for and delivers the district’s First Things First Quarterly Speaking Meeting. The meetings are scheduled for the first Sunday of each quarter: January, April, July, and October.